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Command & Control
Control of the Mind & Body
The Daily MAP
The Daily Master Action Plan is designed to keep you on track during the only period you control: the right here and now. It should be used daily (at least each defined workday; remember to take a mental break during the week) and it should be prepared before the day begins. This template is customizable. You should make your own copy, saved to your computer, and fill in the text blocks as appropriate for your own unique goals and objectives.
At the top of the page, list your three main strategic goals in a very concise (a few words) manner. After the "Tactical Objectives" text, briefly write your main objectives for each day. Your strategic goals and your tactical objectives should remain constant until you have achieved them. Each Action Block (in which you can also add concise headline text) should be specific for that day; these are the daily ACTIONS you must take to achieve success. You do not need to fill out each, and each should take only thirty minutes or less to complete. These are actions which you and you alone control. In other words, they are not dependent upon someone else for their completion e.g. "make a sales call on xxx" could be listed in a block, but "make one sale of xxx" could not.
The different sizes of boxes could be defined by the importance of each action. Experiment with the right formula for your situation, and feel free to change the number/size of the boxes under any given objective. Try and increase the number of Action Blocks filled in and completed as you get more efficient with your days. And remember, each Action Block should take about :30 or less of focused attention to complete. If you calculate that the task should take longer, break it down into separate blocks. Check off the actions as you complete them, and retain the sheets—at least for awhile—to chart your progress.
As you get in the habit of using your Daily MAP, something very eye-opening will happen. You will begin to see that actions you know should only take twenty to thirty minutes often take much longer. You will also begin to see a fascinating trend: your completed Action Blocks tend to "stop" at roughly the same point each day—well before where they should (actually, they should "stop" when you have checked off your last one). This can be disheartening at first, but don't let it bring you down. You now have a clear image of the specters which have been stopping you from achieving success in life! Use that to your advantage. Backtrack on any given day and identify where you lost track of the plan and pinpoint the culprits. Once you identify them, you can begin defeating them.
Every human being who has ever lived, from kings to presidents to working stiffs, has had the exact same amount of time each day as everyone else around the world. Amen! That is awesome! Sure, we all have different levels of commitment, but by using your daily MAP you will give yourself an unprecedented level of control over your life. Over time, you will find yourself acting like a highly-effective and successful entrepreneur or business leader. So, begin today, make it a habit, and it won't be long before you see an amazing transformation. Good luck! (Take me to the private Worksheets & Tools page)
The Daily Master Action Plan is designed to keep you on track during the only period you control: the right here and now. It should be used daily (at least each defined workday; remember to take a mental break during the week) and it should be prepared before the day begins. This template is customizable. You should make your own copy, saved to your computer, and fill in the text blocks as appropriate for your own unique goals and objectives.
At the top of the page, list your three main strategic goals in a very concise (a few words) manner. After the "Tactical Objectives" text, briefly write your main objectives for each day. Your strategic goals and your tactical objectives should remain constant until you have achieved them. Each Action Block (in which you can also add concise headline text) should be specific for that day; these are the daily ACTIONS you must take to achieve success. You do not need to fill out each, and each should take only thirty minutes or less to complete. These are actions which you and you alone control. In other words, they are not dependent upon someone else for their completion e.g. "make a sales call on xxx" could be listed in a block, but "make one sale of xxx" could not.
The different sizes of boxes could be defined by the importance of each action. Experiment with the right formula for your situation, and feel free to change the number/size of the boxes under any given objective. Try and increase the number of Action Blocks filled in and completed as you get more efficient with your days. And remember, each Action Block should take about :30 or less of focused attention to complete. If you calculate that the task should take longer, break it down into separate blocks. Check off the actions as you complete them, and retain the sheets—at least for awhile—to chart your progress.
As you get in the habit of using your Daily MAP, something very eye-opening will happen. You will begin to see that actions you know should only take twenty to thirty minutes often take much longer. You will also begin to see a fascinating trend: your completed Action Blocks tend to "stop" at roughly the same point each day—well before where they should (actually, they should "stop" when you have checked off your last one). This can be disheartening at first, but don't let it bring you down. You now have a clear image of the specters which have been stopping you from achieving success in life! Use that to your advantage. Backtrack on any given day and identify where you lost track of the plan and pinpoint the culprits. Once you identify them, you can begin defeating them.
Every human being who has ever lived, from kings to presidents to working stiffs, has had the exact same amount of time each day as everyone else around the world. Amen! That is awesome! Sure, we all have different levels of commitment, but by using your daily MAP you will give yourself an unprecedented level of control over your life. Over time, you will find yourself acting like a highly-effective and successful entrepreneur or business leader. So, begin today, make it a habit, and it won't be long before you see an amazing transformation. Good luck! (Take me to the private Worksheets & Tools page)